Charter a flight from Bagnole-de-l'orne Couterne with l’Avion privé.

L’Avion privé helps you charter a flight from Bagnole-de-l'orne Couterne.

L'Avion privé ask operators for quotations from Bagnole-de-l'orne Couterne to offer you the best price.

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Procedures and limitations

Aerodrome operating conditions

AD reserved for radio-equipped avions Simultaneous use of pistes prohibited. Unpaved piste reserved for the exclusive use of gliders.

Procedures and special instructions

Preferred QFU : 300°, due to environment (noise reduction). Taxiing prohibited except on piste and voie de circulation. Aircraft departure piste 30 : at the end of piste, right alteration of 15° or left alteration of 90° before the town (especially for traffic patterns). During winching activity, do not perform the recognition site at a height less than 2000 ASFC (2750 AMSL).

Special activities

Gliders winching activity (NR 910) : 2750 AMSL – HJ – Non-marked cable. Winch equipped with a rotating beacon. Users information on A/A FREQ. Aerobatic activity (N° 6303) FL 055 - 2500 AMSL. piste axis 12/30 length 1500 m, 1300-SS (SUM : -1HR).