Charter a flight from Castelsarrasin Moissac with l’Avion privé.

L’Avion privé helps you charter a flight from Castelsarrasin Moissac.

L'Avion privé ask operators for quotations from Castelsarrasin Moissac to offer you the best price.

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Procedures and limitations

Aerodrome operating conditions

AD reserved for radio-equipped avions. Unpaved piste reserved for home-based avions : if unusable after heavy rainfalls, gliding activity reported on concrete piste. Simultaneous use of both piste prohibited.

Procedures and special instructions

Taxiing prohibited except on piste and voie de circulation.

Atterrissage and Décollage are delayed if a glider is immobilized on the South half of the unpaved piste. The central paved voie de circulation cuts across the unpaved piste. Before entering on this voie de circulation : - coming from apron, hold position at holding point.

Special activities

AEM (NR 9072) : HJ - 330 ft ASFC. Aerobatics on AD (NR 6740), 500 m width each side of piste axis and 1500 m length each side of ARP in piste axis. 1500 ft AMSL / 3500 ft AMSL. Only on the 1st SAT and 1st SUN of each month : 0800-1100 and 1300-1600 (SUM : -1HR). demande préalable from AD operator. Activity announced on A/A FREQ. Parachutism activity (NR 384) : SFC-FL115, WE and JF : SR-SS, activity acording protocol. Actual activity known by TOULOUSE INFO and CASTELSARRASIN A/A.