Charter a flight from Castres Mazamet with l’Avion privé.

L’Avion privé helps you charter a flight from Castres Mazamet.

L'Avion privé ask operators for quotations from Castres Mazamet to offer you the best price.

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Procedures and limitations

Aerodrome operating conditions

AD reserved for radio-equipped avions. AD prohibited to ULM except home-based, 3 axis, radio and transpondeur equipped. Possible IFR operations. RESA 90 m x 60 m before THR 14 and 120 m x 60 m before THR 32.

Air navigation hazards

LF-R246 : ground firing. Presence of a SEVESO type factory located 307° 3.5 NM from AD. Presence of ULM base located 259° 3.4 NM from ARP. AEM (NR 9370) located 099° 1.7 NM from ARP. Upper limit : 700 ft ASFC MON - FRI, and 1500 ft ASFC SAT, SUN and HOL.

Procedures and special instructions

Due to piste pavement, the avions with weight > 13 t must turn back only on turn-around area. Preferred QFU 140° due to high terrain.

Special activities

Military parachuting (NR 382), H 24, MAX FL 195, have priority over VFR flights which must delay therefore Atterrissage and Décollage. Activity announced on CASTRES INFO and TOULOUSE INFO.