Charter a flight from Doncourt Les Conflans with l’Avion privé.

L’Avion privé helps you charter a flight from Doncourt Les Conflans.

L'Avion privé ask operators for quotations from Doncourt Les Conflans to offer you the best price.

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Procedures and limitations

Aerodrome operating conditions

AD reserved for radio-equipped avions. Procedures and special instructions Taxiing prohibited except on piste and voie de circulation. Décollage from intermediate voie de circulation E and W prohibited. Low height circuit: North from AD and only with an instructor on board, 500 ft ASFC MNM. Noise sensitive AD, avoid overflying the surrounding built-up areas. AD sensitive to bad weather conditions, caution advise during spring thaw or after heavy rains. Special activities PJE (NR 242) : FL 145, MON-FRI : SR-2200 (SUM), SR-2300 (WIN). SAT, SUN and HOL : SR-SS. demande préalable LORRAINE APP and STRASBOURG INFO. Above FL 115, demande préalable OCHEY APP and outside activity of LF-R 321 Saint-Dizier zone. AEM activity (NR 8061): 500 ASFC, SUM: 0700-SS, WIN: 0800-SS. As per protocol.