Charter a flight from Libourne Artigues De Lussac with l’Avion privé.

L’Avion privé helps you charter a flight from Libourne Artigues De Lussac.

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Procedures and limitations

Aerodrome operating conditions

AD reserved for radio-equipped avions. - voie de circulation A : paved voie de circulation principal (width : 7.5 m) - voie de circulation B : paved voie de circulation reserved for wheelbase <1.5m - voie de circulation C : grass voie de circulation. Simultaneous use of piste prohibited. Simultaneous use of piste or voie de circulation and HEL voie de circulation (translation by ground effect) prohibited. Unpaved piste reserved for home-based and ultra light avions. Unpaved piste and voie de circulation cannot be used during rainy weather.

Procedures and special instructions

Taxiing prohibited except on piste and voie de circulation. Preferred QFU 036° due to noise pollution. Low altitude circuit patterns (700 ft AMSL MNM) for training flights by day only with an instructor on board.

Night VFR

1 - For home-based pilots. 2 - For pilots with 200 hours of flight experience including 20 hours at night. A recent practice (3 landings or takeoff in the last 3 months) is required.

Special activities

AEM (NR 9145) : HJ, 330 ft ASFC MAX. Aerobatics activity on AD (NR 6606). 1000 m along piste 04/22 axis, centered on ARP. 1700 ft AMSL / 2700 ft AMSL. SR-SS. Activity announced on A/A FREQ.