Charter a flight from Lons Le Saunier Courlaoux with l’Avion privé.

L’Avion privé helps you charter a flight from Lons Le Saunier Courlaoux.

L'Avion privé ask operators for quotations from Lons Le Saunier Courlaoux to offer you the best price.

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Procedures and limitations

Aerodrome operating conditions

piste not available after heavy rain. Usable declared distances piste 26 reduced due to road located at 25 m from piste end.

Procedures and special instructions

(1) On both QFU, the end of the Distance de décollage disponible is identified by red lateral cones near the opposite THR. Takeoff from runway end mandatory (backtrack mandatory). Training patterns reserved for home-based avions. Noise-sensitive environment. Preferred QFU 259° due to noise pollution.

Special activities

Aerobatics (NR 6451) : piste 08/26 axis, 1000 m each side of ARP. 0800-1100 and 1300-1800 (SUM : -1HR). 1650 ft / 4000 ft ASFC, reserved for pilots authorized by AD operator. Aerobatics (NR 6463) : SR-SS, NE/SW axis, 1000 m each side of point 46°41'50"N - 005°26'30"E located NW from AD, 1650 ft / 4000 ft ASFC, reserved for pilots authorized by AD operator.