Charter a flight from Reims Prunay with l’Avion privé.

L’Avion privé helps you charter a flight from Reims Prunay.

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Procedures and limitations

Aerodrome operating conditions

AD reserved to radio-equipped avions. Possible IFR operations. Simultaneous use of both piste is probibited. Declared distances reduced due to the roads D 944 and D 931. IFR arrival at night : plan an alternate AD with homologated lighting because lighting is on a single loop.

Air navigation hazards

Unpaved piste to be used with caution after heavy rainfalls. Risk of mix up with the former and unusable REIMSCHAMPAGNE AD located 324°/7.6 NM from ARP (piste 07/25).

Procedures and special instructions

After Décollage QFU 245°, proceed heading 267° and avoid over flying of FRANGAZ site, towns of Sillery and Puisieulx. demande préalable to AFIS is mandatory requested for turbo-jet engine equipped airplanes. All avions Décollage or Atterrissage are suspended if a glider is immobilized on unpaved piste within 40 m from common side. Low height traffic patterns : Same side than avions pattern, at 500 ft AAL MNM and with pilot instructor on board. voie de circulation B not available for avions whose gear width is greater or equal to 4.5 m. Location A on PRKG P 2 reserved for CAT A avions.