Charter a flight from Saint Quentin Roupy with l’Avion privé.

L’Avion privé helps you charter a flight from Saint Quentin Roupy.

L'Avion privé ask operators for quotations from Saint Quentin Roupy to offer you the best price.

You will get the best charter quotations within hours.

Procedures and limitations

Aerodrome operating conditions

Possible restrictions after heavy rain or in case of snow falls. AD reserved for radio-equipped avions. Procedures and special instructions Taxiing prohibited except on piste and voie de circulation. Preferred QFU 219 due to environment. Towing avions : piste 04/22 with South side circuit. piste 14/32 with West side circuit. Special activities AEM on AD (NR 8324) : SFC - 900 ft AMSL / 575 ft ASFC, SR-SS.