Charter a flight from Strasbourg Neudorf Polygone with l’Avion privé.

L’Avion privé helps you charter a flight from Strasbourg Neudorf Polygone.

L'Avion privé ask operators for quotations from Strasbourg Neudorf Polygone to offer you the best price.

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Procedures and limitations

Aerodrome operating conditions

Simultaneous use of aircraft and gliders piste prohibited.

Procedures and special instructions

ACL : average altitude 454 ft. Arrival from the North : transit within CTR STRASBOURG is compulsory by NE (Gambsheim) then follow Rhine river to N1 route (Kehl bridge) to enter AD circuit, radio contact with STRASBOURG TWR is required. Departure to the North : transit within CTR STRASBOURG is compulsory by N1 route (Kehl bridge) then follow Rhine river to NE (Gambsheim), radio contact with STRASBOURG TWR is required. Flight altitude : 1500 ft. Preferred QFU 173° due to noise pollution. Airplanes : low height patterns below 500 ft prohibited.

Special activities

PJE over AD (NR 222) : FL 195 . MON-FRI : 0730-1100 and 1300-SS (SUM : -1HR). SAT,SUN and HOL : 0730-SS (SUM : -1HR). Activity known on STRASBOURG APP and REIMS ACC. Activity announced by dropping avions on A/A NEUHOF. Activity according to protocol. Glider lauching up to 1800 ft AAL. Glider activity announced on FREQ A/A and by orange rotating light.