L'Avion privé helps you renting a business jet or a leisure aircraft from or to Belfort Chaux (LFGG).
LFGG - Chaux is located next to Belfort, Territoire de Belfort.
With its 2 runways, the longest being 920 meters long, this airport situated at 1367 feet can operate these planes:
Charter from or to Belfort Chaux: we get the best quotes from operators holding an air operator certificate.
Simultaneous use of both piste prohibited.
Taxiing prohibited except on piste and voie de circulation. Preferred QFU 176° due to high terrain NW of AD.
Aerobatics NR 6455, on piste axis - 1650 ft AAL/FL 065 - SAT, SUN and HOL 0930/SS - (SUM: - 1 HR). Glider winching activity (NR 940) over grass piste 18L / 36R. Unmarked cable. Activity announced by radio and flashing lights on winch. Users information on A/A: BELFORT. AEM NR 8047, 500 ft ASFC, SUM: 0700-1800, WIN: 0800-SS.