L'Avion privé helps you renting a business jet or a leisure aircraft from or to Bordeaux Leognan-Saucats (LFCS).
LFCS - Leognan-Saucats is located next to Bordeaux, Gironde.
With its 2 runways, the longest being 800 meters long, this airport situated at 192 feet can operate these planes:
Charter from or to Bordeaux Leognan-Saucats: we get the best quotes from operators holding an air operator certificate.
AD reserved for radio equipped avions. AD prohibited for ULM class 1 and 5.
Décollage piste 03 : left turn forbidden after Décollage.
1- Reserved for authorized pilot. Pilot will contact CABLS operator website (https://www.cabls.fr) to obtain or extend his authorization. 2- PAPI at piste 03 is coupled with the PCL and has a night and a day intensity (3 or 5 alternate strokes). Attention is drawn to piste length and PAPI slope.