L'Avion privé helps you renting a business jet or a leisure aircraft from or to Florac Sainte-Enimie (LFNO).
LFNO - Sainte-Enimie is located next to Florac, Lozère.
With its 3 runways, the longest being 762 meters long, this airport situated at 3055 feet can operate these planes:
Charter from or to Florac Sainte-Enimie: we get the best quotes from operators holding an air operator certificate.
AD reserved for home based avions and avions based on neighbouring AD. AD reserved for radio-equipped avions. Other avions : possible use O/R AD operator by phone with 24 HR PN. Simultaneous use of piste prohibited.
AD likely to be covered by snow in winter, before use ask aéroclub.
Taxiing prohibited except on piste and voie de circulation. Prior contact radio compulsory during gliding activity.
Glider winching activity (NR 1000) : SFC - 4700 ft AMSL, HJ. Non marked cable. Yellow and blue winch with orange flashing light. Users information on A/A FLORAC.