Charter from or to Le Mazet De Romanin: we get the best quotes from operators holding an air operator certificate.
AD reserved for glider activity and operation avions. AD available for HEL.
Heavy turbulences in the AD vicinity in case of wind. Trees close to preferential axis N/S.
Gliders towing activity (NR 983) : SR-SS, SFC/2200 ft AMSL. Non-marked cable. Aerobatic glider activity (NR 6902) : 1NM-long axis orientated North-South, centered at 43° 45' 48'' N - 004° 56' 17'' E. 1500 ft AMSL/4000 ft AMSL. Activity reserved for based gliders, SR-SS, A/A on LE MAZET INFORMATION.
Pilots will read "Special instructions LFNZ" published on website : Due to heavy IFR activity, gliders shall avoid to fly overhead AD above 4000 ft AMSL. Arrival : radio contact recommended for information about winching activity. In that case, avoid overhead of AD. Preferential axis N/S not marked. Presence of a paved runway (100 x 10 m) within grasstrip south of piste axis.