L'Avion privé helps you renting a business jet or a leisure aircraft from or to Lurcy Levis (LFJU).
LFJU - Levis is located next to Lurcy, Allier.
With its 2 runways, the longest being 1500 meters long, this airport situated at 747 feet can operate these planes:
Charter from or to Lurcy Levis: we get the best quotes from operators holding an air operator certificate.
AD reserved for radio-equipped avions. Use of grass strip reserved for : - avions property or operated by aéroclub - pilots holding an usage agreement. Simultaneous use of grass strips prohibited. ULM grass strip (180 m) strictly reserved for school ULM with based instructors. Paved piste part of the racing circuit : use reserved for pilots authorized by the circuit manager.
Grass strip might be soggy. Procedures and special instructions Avoid overflying Levis castle. Taxiing prohibited outside pistes and outside marked voie de circulation. Special activities Paragliders towed by cable. Paramotors : request information from aéroclub ; radio monitoring on A/A FREQ.