Charter from or to Pierrelatte: we get the best quotes from operators holding an air operator certificate.
AD reserved for radio-equipped avions. Simultaneous use of airplanes piste and gliders piste prohibited. After heavy rains, unusable outside piste for taxiing and strength inadequate for avions whose weight is more than 2 t.
Power line within RWT 18L take-off funnel. Road within piste 18L and 18R funnels.
Preferred QFU : 002° due to environment. Non home based avions limited to one pattern.
PJE (NR 438): on AD, SR/SS, FL 130. Activity reserved for users authorized by ”DSAC Centre-Est”. Activity known by MARSEILLE ACC. Aerobatics activity (NR 6803): 2200 ft AMSL / FL 045, HJ. AEM (NR 9815): 500 ft ASFC SR-SS.