Charter a flight from Langogne Lesperon with l’Avion privé.

L’Avion privé helps you charter a flight from Langogne Lesperon.

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Procedures and limitations

Aerodrome operating conditions

AD reserved for radio-equipped avions. Asphalt strip 100 x 15 m starting from THR 22, in poor condition. piste 04 and 22 use is limited to : - Ultralight avions - Helicopter - Plane whose pilots can prove : * to be home-based avions pilots * or to be a holder of the mountain license * or to have recognized beforehand the platform with an instructor and have used the aerodrome as captain within 12 last months.

Procedures and special instructions

piste 04 is preferred piste for landing. piste 22 is preferred piste for take-off. Touch and go and low height training patterns are prohibited. Décollage piste 04 forbidden for avions. Atterrissage piste 22 : presence of trees 89 ft ASFC imposes a plan of approach > 8.5 %. Check performances and Atterrissage distance.

Special activities

Parachute activity on AD (NR 444), FL 160. Activated HJ by NOTAM on SAT, SUN and public HOL, when LF-R 55C is not in use. Activity known by MARSEILLE ACC (FL > 145) and by CLERMONT INFO.