Possible IFR operations. AD reserved for radio equipped avions. Towing gliders possible on paved piste.
piste grooved over a width of 20 m, centered on the axis. Procedures and special instructions Taxiing prohibited except on piste and voie de circulation. Unpaved piste not available after heavy rainfalls. Simultaneous Décollage and Atterrissage on unpaved piste and paved piste prohibited. Preferred QFU 329° due to only one voie de circulation piste 33. Simultaneous activities prohibited : parachuting, parascending, glider, AEM.
Atterrissage piste 15 prohibited if no ATS or if PAPI unserviceable.
PAPI not turned on by PCL.
Glider winching activity (NR 997) on grass strip : 5000 ft AMSL. Winch equipped with flashing light. Cable not beaconed. Activity known on LE PUY INFO or A/A. Activity reserved for pilots using home based aircraft AEM (NR 9745) : piste 80 x 15 m - 500 ft AAL , SR-SS. Parachuting on AD (NR 437) : FL 160. SAT, SUN and HOL : SR-SS. Other SKED and level above FL 160 are announced by NOTAM. Real activity known by LE PUY INFO, CLERMONT INFO and MARSEILLE ACC for FL > 145. Parascending: SR-SS, 1300 AAL.