Charter a flight from Roanne Renaison with l’Avion privé.

L’Avion privé helps you charter a flight from Roanne Renaison.

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Procedures and limitations

Aerodrome operating conditions

Possible IFR operations. AD reserved for radio-equipped aircraft. Grass strip 02/20 reserved for avions authorized by AD operator and for gliders.

Procedures and special instructions

Preferred QFU 195° due to IFR procedure. Taxiing prohibited except on piste and voie de circulation. Connecting voie de circulation (at the foot of TWR) between A and B reserved for avions which wingspan < 15 m and masse maximale certifiée au décollage < 3500 kg.

Night VFR

Departure : climb overhead airfield up to route segment minimum altitude. Arrival : last en route segment altitude will be maintained until being in sight and within 5 NM of the airfield, then join traffic pattern. Routes ROANNE-Le Donjon and ROANNE-La Palisse are not usable in case of ROA VOR malfunction.

AD equipment

PCL demande préalable PN 24 HR AFIS. PAPI not turned on by PCL. PAPI piste 20 : offset 5° RIGHT from piste centreline.

Special activities

AEM (NR 9825) : SFC - 500 ft ASFC. SR-SS as per protocol. Parachuting activity on AD (NR 411) FL 110 - FRI, SAT, SUN and HOL : 0600-2300, (SUM : - 1 HR). Activity reserved for pilots authorized according to protocol in force. Activity known by : SAINT YAN APP ROANNE INFO CLERMONT INFO LYON INFO Paramotor activity on ULM piste. During ULM and/or flying models activities, parachuting activity is incompatible without settlement and coordination between the factions. Winch launching activity on AD (NR 989), limited to 3000 ft AMSL every day, SR - SS, announced by orange turning light on the winch. Non marked cable. Users information on ROANNE INFO. Avoid overflying AD below 3000 ft AMSL.