Charter a flight from St. Yan Saint Yan with l’Avion privé.

L’Avion privé helps you charter a flight from St. Yan Saint Yan.

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Procedures and limitations

Aerodrome operating conditions

AD reserved for radio-equipped avions. AD prohibited to gliders. Paved piste 15R/33L reserved to avions authorized by AD operator or ATS.

Procedures and special instructions

Preferred QFU 327°: due to IFR procedures. Low height traffic circuits : West of AD only within the context of training flights with an instructor on board. MNM 500 ft AAL. Noise sensitive AD - Avoid overflying the surrounding built-up areas. Engine tests before Take-off on T1, T3 and T5. Outside ATS SKED, half turn prohibited on unpaved piste 15/33. Flight request with assistance : MON - FRI : ATS SKED, only at

Special VFR

Special VFR incoming and outgoing routes of the CTR are recommended for VFR flights. With IFR traffic, avions and HEL MTO MNM (CTR) : VIS : 3000 m. - Reporting points Coordonnées Coordinates NE Génelard 46°26'02”N - 004°16'30”E Paray le Monial, embranchement ferroviaire au SE de la ville 46°26'24”N - 004°08'27”E S Iguerande SA ABM W of town of Avrilly, ABM E water tower of Avrilly 46°21'02”N - 003°47'38”E Le Pin, château d'eau au SE de la localité 46°24'25”N - 003°54'03”E NW Pierrefite sur Loire Equipement de surveillance du trafic : AD équipé de STAP et PCL hors HOR ATS. Possibilité d'éteindre le balisage en donnant 7 coups STAP : paramètres disponibles (FR) : vent, VIS, base Traffic surveillance equipment : AD equipped with STAP and PCL outside ATS SKED. Lighting may be turned off by 7 alternate strokes within STAP : available data (FR) : wind, VIS, cloud base, T, Panne de radiocommunication : la TWR. Special radiocommunication instructions As far as possible, use a cellphone to contact TWR.