L'Avion privé helps you renting a business jet or a leisure aircraft from or to Chalons Ecury-Sur-Coole (LFQK).
LFQK - Ecury-Sur-Coole is located next to Chalons, Marne.
With its 1500 meters long runway, this airport situated at 321 feet can operate these planes:
Charter from or to Chalons Ecury-Sur-Coole: we get the best quotes from operators holding an air operator certificate.
Simultaneous use of both piste prohibited.
Caution advised during thaw period.
Except for safety related communications, aircrafts entering the aerodrome circuit are required to listen for at least two minutes of the frequency to ensure that there is no winching operation in progress, the use of the frequency may hinder communication between the operator and the glider pilot.
Gliders winch activity on piste 04R / 22L (NR 954): SFC1700 ft ASFC / 2100 AMSL, SR-SS. Flashing lights on winch. User information on FREQ A / A Ecury.