L'Avion privé helps you renting a business jet or a leisure aircraft from or to Vitry Le Francois Vauclerc (LFSK).
LFSK - Vauclerc is located next to Vitry Le Francois, Marne.
With its 2 runways, the longest being 870 meters long, this airport situated at 411 feet can operate these planes:
Charter from or to Vitry Le Francois Vauclerc: we get the best quotes from operators holding an air operator certificate.
Caution advised during thaw. Procedures and special instructions Preferred QFU 112° due to noise pollution. Taxiing prohibited except on piste and voie de circulation. Environment very sensitive to noise: - After Décollage piste 29, crossing 300 ft AAL, turn right MAG 313°. - After Décollage piste 23, turn left MAG 195° overhead D 58. Special activities PJE Activity on AD (NR 269). THU: SR-1100 ; SAT, SUN and HOL : SR-SS. FL 120 MAX. Aerobatics (NR 6120) over AD: axis piste 11/29, 500 m each side of ARP. SR-SS. 5000 ft AAL/2000 ft AAL. Reserved for pilots of aéroclub François 1er. Usable when CTR Saint-Dizier is not active. A/A frequency monitoring is mandatory. Activity announced on A/A frequency. AEM (NR 8242) - 1200 ft (800 ft ASFC) - SFC - SR-SS.